Assisted setup - the quick and easy way to set up Progressus PSA
Prerequisites: Install Dynamics 365 Business Central with Progressus PSA
The base for the Progressus PSA Assisted Setup with default set of demo data is the standard Cronus company. Standard Cronus demo data is used as base for the generation of Progressus PSA demo data, such as Posting Groups, Posting Setup and General Ledger. The Assisted Setup will NOT work in a company without data.
Progressus PSA Assisted Setup is designed to easily create a default set of demo data. The automated creation of data makes it easy to create a new "demo company" useful for testing. In that perspective it is recommended to use the same settings (Posting Groups, and pricing) each time a new company is created using Progressus PSA demo data.
This article does not describe the functionality in Progressus PSA or how to run basic use cases. For the later, please read article Basic use cases in Progressus PSA, step-by-step.
The below procedures can be done over and over again in order to create a new company with default set of demo data, knowing that the set up, data wise, will be exactly the same.
Assisted Setup is designed to be used on a "clean" Cronus. You might experience issues if you have created own data in the company you copy from. To avoid this, make sure to copy a "clean" Cronus company.
Create a new company
Create a new company by taking a copy of Cronus Company
- Choose the
icon, Enter companies in the search field and then choose the related link.
Select "Cronus (Country)" depending of country version In the menu, choose Process then Copy and enter the name of the new company you are creating. Click OK. The new company will now be created.
Open the new company by open list of available companies in My settings, and mark the new company. Click OK to open.
Run the Progressus PSA assisted setup wizard
Creation of demo data is done using the Progressus PSA Assisted Setup wizard.
Choose the icon, Enter assisted setup in the search field and then choose the related link.
Choose Set up Progressus for (Country) depending on the country version. A wizard guide will now open. In the wizard guide:
- Mark the checkbox Create demo setup and projects to generate demo data (Create timesheets will also be marked automatically). Click Next.
- Click Next to use default values (recommended) or change posting group settings.
- Click Next to use default values or change Unit Cost and Unit Price.
- Click Finish
After a few minutes, the setup will be completed with demo data. You will then have an environment to test and evaluate Progressus PSA.
Change Role Center for full experience
To get the best possible user experience, the last step is to change Role center.
- Go to My Settings and choose Role Center to open list of available Role Centers.
- Choose Project Executive RC PGS. Click *OK to open.
Created demo data
The Assisted setup creates master, sample, and transactional demo data:
Master data
Basic data required for sample data such as Resources, Timesheet configuration, Expenses, Task templates and Posting setup.
Sample data
Data required to create transactional such as Projects (including tasks and budget), Task templates and Invoice templates. Sample data is recommended to be used in your own testing to ensure a smooth evaluation.
Transactional data
Data generated when posting such as "Project Usage entries" (generated as a result of timesheet submission).